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Ramp-Up Tutoring


All students will be assessed to determine where to begin. Based on their assessment results, an individual education plan of action will be designed for that student. Embedded in this plan of action are researched based strategies and checkpoints (assessments) to ensure that a student is showing progression. In addition, Horse-N-Around, Inc. will work closely with schools to ensure that the student is making progress there also.

Horse Camps


We provide short camps during school breaks to include reading, math enrichment/remediation and horsemanship.


  • Comprehensive horsemanship program (Safety, Horse Language, Tack, etc.)

  • Read Stories and informational text about horses to better comprehension skills

  • Enhance reading skills through writing in journal daily

  • Firming the foundation in math through reinforcement and enrichment activities

  • Horse Art Activity

​Mentoring Program


Our mentoring program is designed to develop and enhance character thereby creating productive citizens of our communities.
Mentees become alumni members of the organization allowing them to enhance the lives of other youth and young adults.

Horses at your location.

We will bring our horses to you. Call us today for details. We do Spring and Fall festivals. Company outtings and Family Reunions. Boy and Girl Scout Badges. 

Business Goal


Our business goal is to continue to grow and enhance the lives of youth and young adults through educational enrichment and horsemanship. To do so, we plan to execute the programs listed above to the very best of our ability.

​School Based Tutorial


Our tutoring services provide a safe learning environment where all students can thrive. Everything we do is designed to compliment what is done in Georgia's school systems, including utilizing the Georgia's Common Core Standards. Tutoring is offered by certified teachers in all subject areas, K-12. Therefore, it is vital that homework and graded assignments are brought to all tutorial sessions.

Spring/Summer/Fall Camps
Program Description: Horsemanship and Reading and Math Enrichment/Remediation
"Read to Ride-Count to Trot!"
  • One week sessions 
  • Two week sessions 
  • Four week sessions
  • Fall Break December 21st - 31st
Closed Christmas Day
  • Spring Break (Call for Dates)
  • Summer Break (Registration starts May 1st)
  • Two Sacks per day provided
  • Each child must bring a sack lunch, refrigeration available
  • Jeans and boots required for horse activities
Open: 9:00 am - 3:00pm (Monday - Friday)
Registration Fee $100
If you need to drop off early or pick up late it will be an additional $10 per hour. 
All camp participants become alumi associates at the end of camp if they attend all four summer sessions. This will place them in a priority position for summer jobs and camp leaders. These participants will also be invited to our yearly "Horse Pack" outting. 



Horse-N-Around, Inc. © Copyright. All Rights Reserved

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