Risk Reduction Class
We proudly utilize the Prime for Life which is a copyrighted product of Prevention Research Institute, Inc. (PRI) curriculum for our Risk Reduction course. We are firm believers that if most people have this information before they get a DUI, the choices they make around alcohol and drugs would be different. Maya Angelou said, “I did then what I knew how to do. Now that I know better, I do better.”
The Risk Reduction Class is a 24 hour class. It cannot be used to re-instate your Georgia license, but it is the same course. You will need to enroll in a Georgia certified course and pay the $355 course fee. This course is designed to assist our clients in with a better and more fufilled lifestyle. The founder of Horse-N-Around, Inc. is a certified instructor for the State and teaches the course at several school in the state.
Complete the form below to register yourself, your loved ones or your youth or young adult. Pay $150 now and get the information you need to avoid jail, court, probation fees, fines and a suspended license before a DUI happens to you.